19 July 2009

Now that we've come to the end of the road...

Still, I can't let go.

More than a full week after the official end of Bridges 2009, I still find myself wondering why Bree is not next door, why I'm not eating my meals in the dining hall, why I have a sudden affinity for high school kids...

[I apologize for the delay in this entry - please see my previous blog for an explanation. Hopefully, I will be getting a new computer soon.]

The last week of Bridges was fantastic. We finished up class, cried, wrote notes to each other, went to Atlanta all day, had a banquet, cried, presented what we'd learned over the past four weeks, participated in a talent show, packed, had crazy hall parties, gave out paper plate awards in the parlors, and cried.

I wish that I could better encapsulate the high level of emotion and busy-ness that I felt during the final days of the program. Because I am not so eloquent and I have a pronounced lack of pictures for the time being, know this:

The four weeks that I spent with the Bridges students (and even the week with counselors beforehand) were some of the best weeks of my life. Bridges to a Brighter Future 2009 was absolutely phenomenal, difficult, and amazing. I love dearly every single person involved in the program, and Bridges will always hold a special place in my heart! Now that it is over...


1 comment:

  1. It seems that the program was really interesting and you enjoyed a lot. I would like to say that you've got a fantastic blog. Also wishing you all the best for your Study abroad in China program!
