31 March 2009


Yes, I'll run out of these "a-" words soon. For now, revel in them.

So, why are things amock? Namely, a.) I FORGOT about my China orientation meeting today, thus arriving late and leaving early, and b.) I am now blogging about it instead of studying for my test in less than 12 hours.

The thirty minutes of the meeting that I caught, coupled with the increased chat with friends about my upcoming departure and future plans, made me excited about the trip. The past couple of weeks have consisted of a lot of paperwork, which I understand is necessary, but it's just not fun, you know? Today, one of my favorite professors, with whom we will take our first national tour and kick off our Suzhou classes, presented a slideshow about the campus, logistics, and rules - mundane, perhaps? NAY. Exciting! I was actually able to imagine myself living there.

Have I mentioned that I have stayed on this campus before? At first, I was hesitant and a bit bummed out about this, but now, I feel that it is an asset. I will sort of know where things are, yet things will still be unfamiliar, as I was only there for a week before and I didn't speak Chinese.

In other news, I may actually get a well-paying summer job that I like. We'll see; knock on wood.

What are your summer plans?

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