04 July 2009

The prankiest of all pranks

Let me preface this post with a story about last night: after verbally warning two of the girls in my hall group against pushing sweatpants against the bottom of the door to block the light and thus attempt to evade the Lights Out call, they clearly disobeyed me by throwing them down and letting just enough gray, cotton fabric peek out. I grabbed Bree, and we pulled the sweatpants out from under the door on our side. Their lights went out.

So, when I returned to my room this evening after a long day in heels, longing only to put on comfortable flip-flops, I found not only said flops to be missing but also my ENTIRE BED, save the frame; my computer, printer, TV, DVD player, phones, jewelry, chairs, etc. This occurred after Lights Out, but, for some reason, lots of counselors, a few straggling students, and even Mrs. Swartz, whom I have never seen anywhere in the dorms other than for a meeting, were on the hall, yet this didn't seem to be an issue. I turned around, walked out of my doorway, and simply asked,

"Where's my stuff?"

I was met with faux confusion - I immediately knew, even before asking, that everyone else knew something that I didn't. I was sure that there had not been a robbery, as there were no signs of tampering, Bree's stuff was still in the next room, and my ENTIRE BED was gone. It was too random an assortment of things to have been stolen.

While all of the counselors played dumb, students who were supposed to be sleeping wandered out of their rooms. Casey tried to play serious and "called FUPO," who instructed her to "ask the students." My things were found in the empty room on the hall; it was at this time that I finally broke Casey and saved a couple of innocent, unknowing girls from loss of privileges. Everything then came to light: this had all been revenge for the sweatpants. Mrs. Swartz reminded me, "They wouldn't prank you unless they really love you."

Later, I literally collapsed on the floor laughing when I returned to my room and saw the sweatpants right where I had left them last night.

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